
Wir haben für unser Kulturlabor den Namen Abantu gewählt. Abantu (afrikan., Zulu, Plural von Ubuntu=Mensch) als Ausdruck einer Weltsicht bzw. einer Vision für die menschliche Gesellschaft, die getragen wird von Menschlichkeit, Gemeinsinn und dem Bewußtsein, daß man selbst Teil eines Ganzen ist. Wir wollen damit unsere Grundhaltung zum Ausdruck bringen, die sich vor allem auf wechselseitigem Respekt und Anerkennung, Achtung der Menschenwürde und das Bestreben nach einer harmonischen und friedlichen Gesellschaft stützt, aber auch für den Glauben an ein universelles Band des Teilens, das alles Menschliche verbindet. Die Menschheit als integraler Teil der Ökosysteme, was zu einer gemeinschaftlichen Verantwortung führt mit dem Ziel, Leben zu erhalten.

Respekt für Andere, Empathie und Mitgefühl!

Abantu als Inspiration, uns zu anderen hin zu öffnen und von anderen zu lernen.

Ubuntu ungamntu ngabanye abantu (Xhosa proverb) : "People are people through other people".

There's a Zulu phrase that old people use:  Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu.

Umuntu - A person
ngumuntu - is a person
nga - through/by
bantu - people (actually abantu)

"My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up in yours. We belong in a bundle of life. I am a human because I belong. A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good; for he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed, or treated as if they were less than who they are."

Desmond Tutu explaining Ubuntu in No Future Without Forgiveness; 1999

"Ubuntu, das ist im Grunde der Kern des Seins, der Kern der Persönlichkeit. Wir sagen: Du musst dich bemühen, alles zu sein, was du sein kannst, damit ich alles sein kann, was ich sein kann. Meine Menschlichkeit hängt mit deiner Menschlichkeit zusammen. Der einzelne losgelöste Mensch ist im Grunde genommen ein Widerspruch in sich. Wir sagen: Eine Person wird zur Person durch andere Personen, durch die Mitmenschen."


Ubuntu means, I need you in order for me to be me, As you need me in order for you to be you. It is saying really, we are bound up together, because you see, I wouldn`t know how to speak like a human being, I wouldn`t know how to walk like a human being, I wouldn`t know how to think like a human being. all of these things I learned from other human beings. so I actually need other human beings in order for me to be human. we say "a person is a person through other persons. really, it is saying, you and i and all of us are members of one family. you can understand that...people all over the world weather their complexion is dark like mine, like like yours, we are members of the human family. and you won`t want to hurt your sister, your brother, you don`t step your sister or your brother, you won`t want them to step you and it doesn`t usually happen in a family that brothers and sisters kill each other or are violent to each other. when that happens, there is something wrong in the family. so you young people, the future of the world is in your hands!

weather it is going to become a caring world or an uncaring world, cruel.

It all depends on you!

Is it going to be a world where you want your children to grow up

a world with kind people, with compassined people, with gentle people-you decide!

it is in your hands!

young people must dream

young people must dream about a world where there is no poverty, where there is no war, where there is no fighting, where there is no desease, where children have enough water to drink, will have enough food to eat, everywhere in the world! it is possible!

and i would want to see, young people want to see we dream of a world like this one!